Change History • Version 1.1.3 - Released 11/1/93 There were a few bugs in the collision detection code introduced in the last version. These have been fixed. Some people have reported being attacked by an invisible Energy Sucker. We couldn’t reproduce this problem (he’s not supposed to be able to use the cloak), but we discovered an extremely rare case in which he might think he’s within ‘sucking’ range when he wasn’t, and would attack you from offscreen. We theoretically fixed the code to prevent this situation, but you never know. And that might not have been the problem, so this bug may or may not have been fixed. Added a sound editor. See the Setting Preferences chapter for details. • Version 1.1.2 - Released 10/11/93 The sound routines have been updated to take advantage of the new and improved Sound Manager 3.0. Sound effects are greatly improved under Sound Manager 3.0. You can get Sound Manager 3.0 from your local Apple dealer. When a missile locks onto your ship, you hear a warning sound. All ships keep track of how many of each type of yummy they pick up, so they can now give off more than one of a particular type if they have picked up more than one. This is especially effective with the ship that goes around collecting yummies. Also, ships that can’t make use of a particular type of yummy will not be able to pick it up - it will be destroyed if they run into it. Extra points, torpedoes, missiles and yummies are given when starting on higher levels. What you get depends on the level you’re starting on and what you’ve encountered in previous games. The extra points are added to your score when you reach the next level. A new ship has been added, introduced on Level 26. Watch out - he’s nasty! When your cargo bay is full and you try to pick up another machine, your ship makes room for the new machine by dumping off one of whatever you have the most of. If you have the same amount of several machines, it will dump a mine sensor first, then an auto shield, then a yummy sensor, and then a cloak. The priorities used to be different. Space Madness can be put in the background under Multifinder and System 7 when you are not playing the game (i.e. when you’re on one of the help screens or when you have paused the game during play). The menu bar is available, although invisible until you click on it. You can press the space bar to show the whole menu bar, and press it again to hide the menu bar. While playing the game, you can quickly pause the game and hide the game window by holding the mouse button down and pressing the space bar. This feature has been added for those of you like to play at work, and need to be able to hide the game quickly when you hear the boss coming. You can also quit the game immediately by holding down the space bar and pressing Q. Chaos (the annoying red guy) is now easier to kill - that is, it takes fewer hits to kill him. Those of you who have discovered that some yummies were ‘booby-trapped’ on higher levels will be glad to know that that ‘feature’ has been eliminated. Invisible ships must now decloak when they fire. Same goes for your ship if you have the cloak. Decloaking is automatic, so you can fire at will while cloaked, but you will appear and disappear each time you fire. Also, when your shields become damaged, your cloaking device will ‘flicker’ like the shields do when they’re damaged. Mines will blow up if something explodes too close to them. They can also be moved by explosions. Some minor bug fixes. • Version 1.1.1 - Released 8/11/93 Fixed a few separate bugs that combined to cause you to lose your alien machinery a lot faster than you should. Note that after you lose a machine, a new one won’t be installed until the damage to the system that it modifies is in the green, rather than in the yellow as before. The long-range scanner will now show mines within a very short radius, without the alien mine sensor machine installed. Enemy ships will now show up in the database when first seen, but the Notes field is left out until you see them doing what they do. Changed the maximum starting level from 20 to 30. Changed the color of the motion indicator on the scanner from bright green to a darker green, which should help you distinguish between your ship indicator in the center of the scanner and the motion indicator. Fine-tuned some of the enemy ships. You may notice some minor changes in strategy, capabilities, or appearance. Fixed the problems with Sound Manager 3.0. Some minor bug fixes. • Version 1.1 - Released 7/1/93 The Space Madness Notes file has been replaced by this manual. The Lunatic Fringe-like directional pointer on the long range scanner has been eliminated, and replaced with a single green dot on the edge of the scanner. Added a motion indicator to the long range scanner. See the chapter The DS27-E for details. Space debris (goodies) will now show up within a limited range on the long range scanner, without the alien debris sensor machine installed. Added a Base Indicator to the scanner. When the base is outside scanner range, a large flashing red dot appears at the edge of the scanner indicating the direction of the base from your current location. Fine-tuned some of the enemy ships. You may notice some minor changes in strategy or capabilities. Added a sound that plays when you pause the game. Added a sound that plays when you get low on fuel. A new ship has been added, introduced on level 22. Level 23 repeats forever. Space debris, shots, and asteroids now get affected by the vortex. The minimum amount of fuel and raw material given off by the base has been increased, and its pre-destruction explosions sometimes give off raw material. Added a Weapon Switch key, which lets you switch between torpedoes and missiles at any point in the game. The default setting is the Return key. A green square is drawn around the selected weapon on the status screen. The Preferences screen has been redesigned a bit. Added a Help button which brings up a screen which essentially just shows the text from the Setting Preferences chapter. Background processing is allowed when you’re not playing the game. This means that screen savers and other programs that run at idle time will kick in after a while. Screens savers may appear a bit ugly, and Space Madness will continue to draw the help screens. The (A)dvance key on the help screens has been replaced with left and right arrow keys. See the chapter Mission Briefing for details. Removed the S and Q buttons from the help screens, but you can still press S and Q to Start and Quit on those screens. The self-playing demo has been eliminated. The timeout for the about/help screens has been eliminated. Some minor bug fixes. • Version 1.0.4 - (First Commercial Release) Released 6/1/93 You can now save all preferences, including high scores, key settings, etc. You can now clear the high score list. You can now register your copy of the program. You can now make a demonstration version of the program after you register. • Version 1.0.3 - Released 5/29/93 Fixed a really stupid bug that caused the program to crash immediately on systems that were running in 24-bit addressing mode and had video cards that require 32-bit addressing. Yes, I forgot to call SwapMMUMode. What's worse is it got past us. Thanks to those who pointed it out to us, and sorry for any inconvenience. • Version 1.0.2 - Released 5/28/93 Fixed a bug that caused the wrong serial number to be displayed on the order screen and printed on the order form. • Version 1.0.1 - Never released The game’s appearance on grayscale monitors is very much improved. Changed the GEnie address on the order screen Other very minor changes that no one will notice • Version 1.0 - Initial Release 5/26/93